Hardness Testing

Hardness Testing
The hardness of a material is defined as its ability to resist permanent deformation, either by scratching or indentation.
Typically in engineering terms we typically think in terms of hardness as the ability to resist deformation from an indenter under a given compressive load. The hardness of a material can either by measured by the size of indent given by a specified load, or the amount of force required to indent a material. With metallic materials it is often possible to estimate the ultimate tensile strength from a simple hardness measurement.
At R-TECH Materials, we are able to offer a comprehensive range of hardness testing solutions across a number of engineering materials.
Below is a list of all the hardness scales that we can measure in house. Further to these, we have an extensive range of external hardness testing capabilities:
Shore A and D
ASTM D2240 & ISO 868
10kg and 30kg scale BS EN 6507-1
BS 2782-10 Method 1001
10g, 25g, 50g, 100g, 200g, 300g, 500g, 1kg scales