Static Testing
Static testing of couplers is normally conducted according to one of the following specifications:
- BS 8597 (CARES TA1-A, TA1-B)
- ISO 15630-1 (& ISO 6892-1)
- ISO 15835-2
- Sellafield Engineering Standard ES_0_3110_2 (CARES TA1-C)
Most of these tests are conducted in tension, although BS8597 (CARES TA1-B) and Sellafield Engineering Standard ES_0_3110_2 also specify optional requirements in compression, which we can also measure.
R-Tech Materials has facilities for the static testing of mechanical couplers for diameter of bars up to 50mm, with universal test machines up to 1500kN capacity. All equipment comes under the scope of our UKAS accreditation against ISO 17025, and meets the UKAS requirements for calibration, maintenance and validation. Load cell calibration is in all cases to ISO 7500-1 Class 1 or better or ASTM E4 to 1%. All test machines for coupler testing are computer controlled, with modern generation digital controllers and OEM designed software.
Test data including stress-strain curves can be downloaded and analysed after the test. All test machines are equipped with a range of electronic extensometry. Tensile tests are performed using electronic extensometers through yield. A purpose-designed extensometer system is employed on all test machines, enabling us to apply gauge lengths from 100-800mm, allowing us to accommodate the majority of types and sizes of couplers on the market. All extensometers are of the dual averaging type, which is a requirement for testing couplers due to the inherent misalignment which is introduced when making the joints. All extensometers are calibrated to ISO 9513 Class 1 or better.
Specifications normally require that a standard tensile test is performed on a reference bar, which is a length of unspliced rebar used to make the mechanical splice, as well as the testing of the splice itself.